Protect Your Trees From Damage By Hiring A Professional Squirrel Removal Service In Houston

If you live in the Houston area, you know that squirrels can cause a lot of damage to your trees. From chewing on bark and branches to digging tunnels through the soil, these little critters can do much harm if left unchecked.

Protect Your Trees From Damage By Hiring A Professional Squirrel Removal Service In Houston

If you live in the Houston area, you know that squirrels can cause a lot of damage to your trees. From chewing on bark and branches to digging tunnels through the soil, these little critters can do much harm if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are professional squirrel removal services available to help protect your trees from further destruction. With their expertise and specialized equipment, they can quickly remove any troublesome squirrels from your property without causing additional damage. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of hiring a professional squirrel removal service in Houston and some tips on identifying and preventing further infestation.

Squirrel Damage On Trees And Shrubs

When it comes to tree and shrub damage, squirrels can wreak havoc on your property. They’ll chew through bark and branches, dig tunnels under the roots, and sometimes even nest in crooks of the trunk or branches. This can cause significant damage to the tree’s structure, leading to weakened limbs or even death.

In addition, these creatures can also introduce diseases and parasites to your trees and shrubs, which can further weaken them. It is best to hire a professional squirrel removal service to inspect your trees and remove any squirrels causing problems.

Why Do Squirrels Dig Holes In Trees In Houston

There are several reasons why squirrels may dig holes in trees in Houston. Here are a few of the most common.

• To create a safe place to store food and build nests.

• To access hidden areas near the tree’s roots.

• As part of their natural behavior, they may search for insects or grubs.

• In search of shelter from predators or harsh weather conditions.

These are just a few reasons squirrels may dig holes in your trees. If you suspect that squirrels are causing damage to your trees, it is important to hire a professional squirrel removal service in Houston, just like AAAC Wildlife Removal. Their team of experts can inspect your property, identify any problem areas, and provide a safe and humane solution to remove the squirrels.

Control Of Tree Squirrel Damage

There are many ways to control tree squirrel damage on your property in Houston, but the most important thing is to remove any squirrels causing problems. The following are the most important steps.


The first step is to inspect your property for any signs of squirrel damage. If you spot any, it’s important to investigate further and identify the source.

Use Traps

Once you have identified the problem, it’s time to set up traps. Select a trap large enough for the squirrels to enter, and place it near trees or bushes that they frequent.


Next, you can use exclusion methods such as netting or fencing to keep squirrels away from your trees. Make sure any gaps are sealed so they cannot gain entry again.

Contact A Pest Control Services

Finally, if you are still having trouble getting rid of the squirrels, it’s time to contact a professional pest control service. They can provide safe and humane solutions to get rid of any troublesome critters on your property quickly and effectively.

The most important thing to remember is that preventing tree damage caused by squirrels is far easier than trying to repair it. If you suspect squirrels are damaging your trees, contact a professional squirrel removal service before any more damage can be done.

Health Risk Of Squirrels Infestations To Humans

Another important reason to hire a squirrel removal service is that these creatures can also cause a health risk to humans. The following are the most common health risks associated with squirrels.

Bites And Scratches

Squirrels have sharp claws and teeth that can cause injury if mishandled. This can result in bites or scratches that can become infected.


Some people can have severe allergies to squirrels, which can cause a range of symptoms, from mild rashes to more serious breathing problems.


There is always the possibility that squirrels could be carrying rabies. Rabies is a potentially fatal virus that can be passed through bites or scratches from infected animals.

Disease Transmission

These creatures are known to carry a variety of diseases, such as leptospirosis, salmonella, Lyme disease, and more. This is why it is so important to wear protective gear when dealing with them.

As you can see, various health dangers are linked with squirrels, which is why it is vital to engage a professional to safely and humanely remove them from your home. Squirrel removal services can also assist in avoiding any more harm to your trees, property, and the people around you.

How Professional Services Remove And Prevent Squirrels From Infesting Your Tree

When dealing with squirrel infestations in Houston, hiring a professional squirrel removal service is important. They are trained and experienced in humane trapping and relocating the animals and guiding how to prevent any further infestations to your tree and property in Houston. Here are the best ways they can help you.

  1. A professional squirrel removal service can identify the source of the infestation and set up effective traps. Once caught, they can safely relocate the animals to ensure that your tree is no longer at risk.
  2. The experts will also advise on how to seal any entry points that could allow more squirrels into your tree or property. This includes closing off any cracks in windows and doors, as well as sealing any gaps in the roof or walls.
  3. A professional squirrel removal service will help your tree by using exclusion methods, such as netting and fencing. These will help to keep squirrels away from your trees and stop them from accessing the area.
  4. Finally, they can provide advice on how to prevent further infestations. This includes tips on maintaining a clean environment and removing any potential food sources or nesting materials that could entice the squirrels.

By engaging the services of a professional squirrel removal service, you can be sure that your tree is safe from damage caused by squirrels and any potential health risks associated with them. You will also have peace of mind knowing that these creatures are being safely removed and relocated or prevented from returning to your property in Houston.

The Cost Of Professional Squirrel Removal Services In Houston

The cost of a professional squirrel removal service in Houston to remove and prevent squirrels from your tree depends on various factors, such as the size of the infestation and the severity of the damage. However, you can expect to pay anywhere between $150-$300 for a basic service. If the damage is more extensive, then the cost could be higher.

It is important to remember that while pest control services can be expensive, they are often worth it in the long run as they will save you money in the form of repairs and health risks associated with squirrels. It is also worth noting that many companies offer discounts for repeat customers or larger jobs.

For more information on professional pest control services for squirrel removal in Houston, contact your local exterminator to discuss the best options for you. They will be able to advise on how to safely and humanely remove squirrels from your property and any preventative measures that need to be taken.

Contact A Professional Squirrel Removal Services In Houston

Trees, shrubs, and vegetation are essential for our well-being. They keep us healthy by providing clean air, but they must be protected from squirrels to remain unharmed. If you have noticed any of the signs of squirrel damage on your trees or garden, then it’s time to take preventive measures and call a professional.

AAAC Wildlife Removal specializes in nuisance wildlife control and can provide timely solutions that will eradicate existing infestations and minimize future risks. They have an up to date devices and tools, as well as knowledgeable and experienced professionals who know how to deal with the situation.

AAAC Wildlife Removal will work with you to find a safe solution for your family and your trees in Houston. In addition, their professionals use humane removal methods to ensure no harm comes to humans or animals. With AAAC Wildlife Removal as your trusted partner, you can rest assured that all tree squirrel problems will be taken care of.

Hazel Moura
Hazel Moura

Extreme twitter nerd. Hipster-friendly travel buff. Hardcore travel guru. Proud twitter enthusiast. Subtly charming coffee guru. Typical coffee scholar.